Ever smiled for five months straight?
NezařazenéAIESEC wants to introduce you couple of people who took such an opportunity and kicked off their career abroad. AIESEC Praha, based at University of Economics, offers this possibility approximately to 50 czech and 30 foreign students and graduates.
AIESEC wants to introduce you couple of people who took such an opportunity and kicked off their career abroad. AIESEC Praha, based at University of Economics, offers this possibility approximately to 50 czech and 30 foreign students and graduates.
From now on, in each issue of Studentský list, you can get to know one of our trainees and find out how their dreams became true. The first story is about Kevin Dorekens from Belgium.
I am Kevin, I am 26 years old and I am currently working in Prague at InBev Business Services. I have been here for 18 months. I am leading a team which is providing financial services to the Belgian market. Originally I was an AIESEC intern here when the company was starting up its business services to Belgium in August 2006.
My mood during the first five months of my internship is something I will always remember. I could just not stop smiling and I was learning new things every day. Organising my new flat, going on business trips to get training, hanging out with friends in Prague, learning new Czech words, everything was new and exciting. After work I would hop on some tram or bus and just see where it would take me. There was also a period where I was visiting all different green areas I could find on my map of Prague. I really wanted to know my new environment inside out. My favourite place in Prague which I got to know during this period is Divoka Sarka.
One big difference between Belgium and the Czech Republic is the way people look at public holidays. In the Czech Republic these days are much more important and also much more connected with tradition. Especially experiencing the Czech Christmas was great for me. I heard stories before about the different traditions, but when you go with Czech friends to some cottage (cottages are another thing which is typically Czech for me) and you try it all, it’s so much fun. Some people were playing guitar, we were pouring the lead to predict the future, we had small fireworks, baby Jesus brought presents and of course I got a taste of the famous carp fish and the obligatory potato salad. In Belgium carp is not considered as food. We do eat fish, but carps are only known as the big fish you can see in the pond in the local park. I still wonder why, because it actually tasted really good.
People are often asking me for how long I will still be in Czech Republic. I have to say that I do not really know the answer yet, but I am sure that when that time comes, leaving this place will be a very difficult goodbye. I have found many new friends and I truly feel at home here.
If you also decide to go abroad sometime during or after your studies, I wish you good luck. Wherever you will go, I’m sure you will have a life-changing experience.