V Jazykovém cen­tru učím zadar­mo, říká rodi­lý mluvčí

5. 12. 2013 | | Studentský život

Christian Alch je a­merický studen­t medicíny, kte­rý se po baka­lářském studi­u rozhodl strá­vit rok v Čes­ké republice. Ně­kolikrát týdně u­čí jako dobro­volník v Jazy­kovém centru na Vy­soké
škole ekonomické.

Proč se rozhodl jít do Prahy a co si myslí o českých studentech, si
můžete přečíst v následujícím rozhovoru. Ten jsme pro větší
autentičnost ponechali v angličtině.

How did you be­come a teacher at the L­anguage Center?

I decided to come to the Czech Republic at the beginning of June, to teach
classes at VŠE. Our church in America has had a good relationship with the
Language Center for about eight years now and has previously sent other students
to teach there as well.

Why do you teach?

I am doing this, because I love teaching and I want to build friendships
and relationships with Czech students. I also love Jesus and I want to share
what I believe with other people. We do this as volunteers, so we do not get
any money on our own. The money students pay goes directly into the Language

Why should stu­dents come to the­se classes?

It is a friendly and fun environment where people can practice English with
native speakers without feeling stressed. There are about ten people per class
and it is focused on conversation. Every lesson we talk about a different topic
and people have the opportunity to speak and practice English.

How can studen­ts join the clas­s?

Students just have to register. The classes cost 800 crown per semester.

What do you thin­k about Czech stu­dents?

I have been incredibly impressed by the work ethic of Czech students. People
over here speak amazing English and are very friendly.

How would you­ compare Czech an­d American scho­ol system?

I think that American school system is very unique. It has its own culture.
In the Czech Republic it is a little bit different. It is more of a serious
environment to work and get a degree but the passion of the students is still
very impressive.

What do you thin­k about the stu­dents of VŠE com­pared with ot­her Czechs?

The students of VŠE are some of the most intelligent people I have ever
met. When I sit down at a table with the students I can really see the
potential of the university and the country.

What would you­ improve at VŠE?

I think people are more serious about learning than in my country, but
I would also like VŠE to become more of a family, where people serve and work
with one another as friends.

Do you partici­pate in any ot­her organized ac­tivities in Pra­gue?

As I said before I love Jesus and I want to share my beliefs with other
people. One of the ways we do this is through the Journey which takes place
every Thursday. We introduce a spiritual topic at Friends Coffee House and have
a lecture on it, followed by discussion. It is also an opportunity for the
students to use English but also to think about deeper questions.

Who organizes the Jou­rney?

There are four of us from Louisiana who all host this event. We go there
every week. This is an opportunity for Czech students to come and ask


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